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Ycsr-1 Water-soluble acid tester


 A, are described

The model of automatic water soluble acid tester (colorimetric method) is designed and manufactured according to the national standard of the People's Republic of China for testing water soluble acid in transformer oil and related standards. With large LCD display and microprocessor control, it can automatically complete heating, constant temperature, oscillation, sampling, testing, cleaning, printing and other functions according to the user's setting conditions. It can measure 1-6 samples at a time, greatly shortening the user's test time.
Two, instrument characteristics
1, the instrument according to GB/T7598-2008 standard design and development, can accurately detect transformer oil, turbine oil, oil resistance and other petroleum products water-soluble acid automatic testing instrument.
2, color touch LCD screen through touch type LCD screen easy operation.
3. The PH value was determined by colorimetric method.
4, the instrument automation degree is high, only the oil and water according to the standard injection, the instrument automatically complete heating, oscillation, static release, oil and water separation, color, color, display and print determination results and other functions.
5, can be processed at one time and complete the detection of 1-6 samples in sequence.
Three, technical indicators
1. Measurement range: PH=3.6 ~ 7.0
2. Display unit: 0.1
3. Constant temperature accuracy: ±2℃
4 measurement error: ≤± 0.1pH
5. Normal use conditions:
6. Ambient temperature :(5 ~ 45) ℃
7. Relative humidity: ≤ 85%
8. Power supply: AC (220± 10%) V, 50HZ±1HZ
4. Conditions of use
1. Ambient temperature 0-40 ° C
2. Relative humidity ≤85%
3. Power supply AC 220V ± 20%
4. Power frequency 50 Hz ± 5 Hz
5. Power consumption < 600 W
? Weight: 45kg
5. After-sales service
Instruments from the date of purchase within 12 months, belong to the company's product quality problems free maintenance, lifelong warranty and technical services. If you find any abnormal condition or malfunction of the instrument, please contact the company in time, so as to arrange a convenient solution for you. After-sale telephone: 15175200555.


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