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YC8002 Comprehensive tester for transformer winding deformation


System Introduction
The Sweep Frequency Response Analyzer is used for power transformer with voltage grade of 6kV and above and other transformers with special purpose. The power transformer is inevitably vulnerable to impulse of various fault short-circuit current or physical collision in the process of operation and transportation and the transformer windings may lose stability under the powerful electro-dynamic force exerted by such short-circuit current, which could result in permanent deformations such as local distortion, swell or dislocation and will severely affect safe operation of the transformer. Deformation of transformer windings is measured with frequency response analysis method according to national standard DL/T911-2016/IEC60076-18 for electric power industry, i.e. detect amplitude-frequency response characteristic of each transformer winding and make vertical or horizontal comparison of the detection result to judge possible deformation of the transformer winding based on change of amplitude-frequency response characteristics.

1.Main Technical Characteristics
Characteristics of transformer windings are measured with frequency sweep method. Deformations of windings such as distortion, swell or displacement of 6kV and above transformer are measured by detecting amplitude-frequency response characteristics of each winding, not requiring lifting of transformer enclosure or disintegration.
Quick measuring, measuring of a single winding is within 2 minutes.
High frequency accuracy, higher than 0.001%.
Digital frequency synthesis, with higher frequency stability.
5000V voltage isolation fully protects safety of the testing computer.
Able to load 9 curves at the same time and automatically calculate parameters of each curve and diagnose winding deformations to provide the reference diagnosis conclusion.
Analysis software has powerful functions and software and hardware indicators satisfy national standard DL/T911-2016/IEC60076-18.
Software management is humanized with high degree of intelligence. You only need to click one key to complete all measurements after setting of parameters.
The software interface is concise and vivid, with clear menus of analysis, save, report export, print, etc.

2.Main Technical Indicators
Measuring speed: 1 min- 2 min for single-phase winding
Output voltage: Vpp-25V, adjusting automatically in test
Output impedance: 50Ω
Input impedance: 1MΩ (the response channel is built with 50Ω matching resistance)
Frequency sweep scope: 10Hz-2MHz
Frequency accuracy: 0.001%
Frequency sweep manner: linear or logarithmic, frequency sweep interval and number of sweep points are freely settable
Curve display: Mag-freq. curve
Measuring dynamic range: -100dB~20dB
Power source: AC100-240V 50/60Hz
Net weight: 3.6kg

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