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YCR9920C DC Resistance Tester


 I. Overview
During the manufacturing of inductive coils of transformers, mutual inductors, reactors, and electromagnetic operating mechanisms, DC resistance measurement is required in factory tests, installation and handover tests, and preventive tests of the power sector for semi-finished and finished products. It can effectively identify manufacturing defects (e.g. loosening, strand missing, broken wires in material selection, welding and connection for inductive coils) and hazards in operation. To meet the needs for rapid measurement of DC resistance of inductive coils, our company has developed the Transformer DC resistance tester based on own technical advantages. With the novel power supply technology, this product features the small size, light weight, wide test range, strong anti-interference ability, complete protection functions, and large color LCD. Entirely controlled by the single-chip microcomputer, the tester is capable of automatically carrying out self-testing and data processing, and has the functions of automatic discharge and discharge indication. It also has high test accuracy and can be operated easily to rapidly measure the DC resistance.
II. Safety Measures
1. Please read this manual carefully before using this tester.
2.The tester can be used both indoors and outdoors, instead of places without rain or corrosive gas. Do not cause any violent vibration of the tester.
3. The tester must be repaired, maintained and adjusted by professionals.
4.After testing, turn off the power and remove the testing wire when the discharge alarm is stopped.
5. When a no-load voltage-regulating transformer is measured, levels cannot be changed until the discharge alarm is stopped.
6. It is forbidden to move the test clip and cut off the power line during testing.
III. Performance Characteristics
1. The tester has 6 levels of output current (maximum: 20A; minimum: <5mA), which is suitable for DC resistance measurement of a variety of transformers and mutual inductors.
2. The measurement range of the tester is 100μΩ to 100KΩ.
3. The tester has a higher response speed. The on-load tap switch can be directly enabled during measurement, and the tester will automatically refresh data.
4. The tester has the function of sound discharge alarm and clear discharge indication, to reduce misoperation.
5. The tester has complete protection functions for reliable protection against the impact of back EMF, thus achieving more reliable performance.
6. The tester is equipped with a 7-inch color LCD screen, which can display data in a clear and attractive manner. In addition, output results can be printed in a real-time manner.
7. The operation interface (Chinese and English) of the tester can be configured as required by customers.
8. The tester has a RS485 communication interface to transmit test data to the background.
9. The tester has a large storage capacity for 500 test records at most.
10. The tester has USB interface for transfer of test data into USB flash disks.
11. More complete parameters can be set, including the test winding, tap position, test phase, test sample temperature, conversion temperature and others of the transformer.
12. The tester has anindustrial plastic case, which is easy to carry and helpful to prolong the service life.
IV. Technical Indicators
1. Output current: 20A, 10A, 5A, 2A, 100mA, <5mA (6 levels for testing).
2. Range:
               100μΩ to 1Ω (20A)
               500μΩ to 2Ω (10A)
               1mΩ to 4Ω (5A)
               5mΩ to 10Ω (2A)
              100mΩ to 200Ω (100mA)
              200Ω to 100kΩ (<5mA)
3. Accuracy: 0.2% ± 2μΩ
4. Resolution: 0.1μΩ
5. Working temperature: 0-40℃
6. Ambient humidity: ≤90% Rh, no condensation
7. Altitude: ≤1000meters
8.Working power supply: AC220V ± 10%, 50Hz ± 1Hz
9. Dimensions: 400mm * 340mm * 195mm
10. Weight: 8.6Kg


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