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Baoding, Hebei: Electricity boosts high-quality development of "new infrastructure"

AddTime:2020-08-19 18:02:00   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close

Hebei News Network (correspondents Li Yanhui, Qu Yunfei, Pang Longguang) "New infrastructure" focuses on high-quality development. It is a major measure to stabilize investment, maintain growth, and promote consumption. It is also a new driving force and a new engine to promote economic transformation and upgrading. State Grid Baoding Power Supply Company gives full play to its geographical and industry advantages, seizes the opportunity of the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, actively promotes "new infrastructure" projects represented by UHV and new energy charging piles, and makes every effort to complete various "new infrastructure" projects Power supply guarantee and accelerate the implementation of "new infrastructure" projects.
The 1000 kV AC UHV project site from Zhangbei to Xiong'an in Huangshan Village, Lingyunce Township, Yixian County, Hebei Province. Photo by Liu Zhongyu/
Do a good job of territorial coordination to ensure the smooth landing of UHV projects
On February 28, 2020, CCTV's "News Broadcast" reported the news of the State Grid Corporation of China's "Over 100 billion power grid infrastructure project started and resumed". In the screen shot, the 1000 kV AC UHV project site from Zhangbei to Xiong'an, located in Huangshan Village, Lingyunce Township, Yi County, Hebei Province, is in full swing.
Little is known about the hardships behind the resumption of work.
The Zhangbei-Xiongan 1000kV AC UHV project starts from Zhangjiakou Zhangbei Wind Power in the west and UHV Xiong'an Station in the east. It is a key clean energy project in Xiong'an New Area. The total length of the project is 320 kilometers. Although the Baoding section crosses 97 kilometers, which is less than one-third of the total length, it passes through the western mountainous area, and also passes through cultural relic protection areas and natural scenery such as the world cultural heritage Qingxi Mausoleum and Langya Mountain Baihuayuan. District, the project construction has complex terrain, numerous tower bases, and heavy and complicated path coordination.
In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the project, the State Grid Baoding Power Supply Company gave full play to the role of territorial units, comprehensively promoted the work experience of "sign before construction" in the Xiong'an to Shijiazhuang UHV project, implemented the work responsibilities of "segment contract", and strengthened coordination with the government Manage and control, effectively resolve the problems of compensation and work resistance, and efficiently complete land occupation coordination under the premise of protecting the interests of all parties in accordance with the law.
Especially during the epidemic period to promote the resumption of UHV projects, epidemic prevention work has made territorial coordination more difficult.
On the evening of February 28, when Cai Jianhua, a villager in Huangshan Village, Lingyunce Township, Yixian County, Hebei Province, saw the "News Broadcast" broadcast of Zhangbei to Xiong'an UHV resumption of work, his heart was mixed. Just a few days ago, his grape nursery made a "sacrifice" for the resumption of the UHV project.
At the critical period of "persistent grasping with both hands and win double victories", in order to avoid the resumption of construction workers from repeatedly crossing the villagers’ residential areas, the local power supply company negotiated with the township government, the epidemic prevention department, and the Huangshan village committee for many times and repeated surveys. A path that satisfies people and vehicles entering the work site without passing through the village happens to pass through Cai Jianhua's grape nursery.
After rounds of communication and dialogue, and calculation of compensation, Cai Jianhua was still relieved. In his words, "this road is considered a contribution to Xiongan."
This reopened path bears the landing of a major strategy for UHV construction, and it also bears the eager hope and hope of vigorously promoting the resumption of work and production at the better stage of the epidemic.

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