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Yuanchuang Power 2020 Work Summary Conference and Corporate Annual Meeting Ceremony

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Annual summary meeting

Ambilight, spanning a new chapter. Hundreds of birds compete for the stream and sing a new era. As the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rat is approaching, on January 19, 2020, Baoding Yuanchuang Power Annual Summary and Commendation Conference was held in the conference room. All the members of the company participated in the summary meeting. The meeting kicked off in the annual work summary of General Manager Yan Ning. On the basis of fully affirming the work achievements of the past year, it comprehensively and profoundly summarized and analyzed the shortcomings and deficiencies in the company's development. The direction of development in 2020 has been unified, the ideological understanding has been unified, and the centripetal force and cohesion of all employees have been enhanced, so that everyone is full of hope and confidence in the 2020 work goal. Everyone opened their hearts and talked freely at the meeting. Looking back on the past, we are full of enthusiasm, and looking forward to the future, we are high-spirited, let us spread our wings and fly towards a higher goal in the new year.

All employees of the company participated in the year-end summary meeting

Mr. Yan does the work summary

Annual meeting ceremony

At this moment of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, the annual rings of time will leave a deep mark. With the warmest sunshine in winter, the new 2020 will come as promised. In this ocean of farewell to the old and welcoming the new, and the voice of joy and singing, we gather together to welcome the dawn of the new year. Today, we meet here to enjoy the joy that family affection brings to us, we meet here, and feel the true love together with our hearts; today, we meet here, open your heart and release your passion; today, we are here together , Here will become a happy ocean. The annual meeting kicked off with Mr. Yan's speech. The annual meeting included splendid performances, game interaction and lottery draws.

Mr. Yan delivered the opening speech

Wonderful performances in various forms

Saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, yesterday’s performance has become history; if metal is treasured, tomorrow’s journey will have a long way to go. In 2019, we greeted hard work, reaped great achievements, challenged difficulties and setbacks, overcome hardships and hardships, and satisfied our wishes. Looking forward to 2020, we will only strive to live up to the time. The new year gives birth to new hope, and the new year will open a new chapter. May the bells of the New Year bring us good luck, and may the auspiciousness of the year of the rat bring us happiness and peace.

The annual meeting is over here, but our footsteps will not stop. In the new year, new hopes, let us face the new year's sunrise, take confident steps, and embrace the new 2020.


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